Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Rant

The paparazzi are a serious problem for celebrities and the general public. I mean come on. We all get angry when someone looks over our shoulder at a text message. We all get mad when somebody asks a personal question. Imagine how the stars feel. There's someone following and watching them all the time. I mean the paparazzi are terrible! They can't even leave the celebs alone for one second it seems ridiculous. The paparazzi harm all of the people around them. The celebrities must feel so bad for the public. Lindsay Lohan's accident could have seriously injured someone; and that wasn't even her fault! It seems like the paparazzi these days don't care about anyone else except for the magazines who buy these pictures. Diana's death should have put an end to all photographers. To think that 7 ruthless and ignorant men could have aided to the death of a Princess is just terrible. AND the fact that one of them took a picture of her dead is just disgusting. I saw the picture on google and I thought I was going to throw up it just disgusted me that someone could ever do such a thing. I mean it really seems like the paparazzi don't care about anyone. They continue to break the laws and act illegally. The only way to stop them would be to completely demolish the occupation, and that probably wouldn't even work. I don't know how to fix the problem, but I hope somebody does before it becomes too late.

Just the Facts

Here's ten facts about my topic, the paparazzi:

1. The paparazzi get paid up to $100,000 for a photo based on the event or celebrity.
2. There are laws in California that restrict the paparazzi from completely invading privacy.
3. Stars constantly avoid specific "hot spots" in order to get away from the paparazzi.
4. Paparazzi use high-tech devices to get pictures. These include longer photo lenses or video cameras.
5. Paparazzi cause a heightened level of danger to the general public. Once, a paparazzo hit Lindsay Lohan's Mercedes to get a picture of her putting anyone on the street in danger.
6. There has been a syndrome diagnosed that is almost like a disease. This disease is "being celebrity obsessed." Many paparazzi have this "syndrome."
7. A paparazzo took a picture of Princess Diana while she was lying dead in her Mercedes after the crash. He intended to sell the picture.
8. Many different government officials are trying to pass laws forbidding the paparazzi in many areas of the nation.
9. Celebs are trying to conceal their family from the paparazzi. Photographers try to get photos of babies too much and may hurt the children in the process.
10. Paparazzi go way too far in their tactics and they deny a celebrity of their civil right.

Friday, March 28, 2008

What the Experts Say

My experts are the celebrities, government officials, magazine editors, and the paparazzi themselves.

"There are illegal things going on, or at least they should be illegal. It should billegal to hit me with your car. It should be illegal to block my car with your car. It should be illegal to prevent someone from leaving a location. It should be illegal to verbally harass people to elicit a response. And it should be illegal to shout obscenities at children." --Reese Witherspoon

"The goal was to draft legislation to protect personal safety and privacy in a climate where journalistic competition sometimes leads to agressive news-gathering tactics." --Anne Hawke (an associate in the First Amendment group in the Washington office of Baker & Hostetler)

"Diana was the 'most hunted person of the modern age'" --Earl Spencer, Diana's brother

"This is a defining moment in out attitude toward certain aspects of media intrusion. The circumstance of her [Princess Diana's] death should be used as a rapier to pierce and destroy the ruthless intrusion of the camera that serves us no useful purpose." --David Mellor (senior minister in the former Conservative government in Britain)

"I'm not trying to take photographers' lives away. I understand their job is to take pictures, But I don't want children involved and other innocent pedestrians getting hurt while walking down the street." --Lindsay Lohan

"When it comes to your son, he didn't choose this. One time I was holding Ryder, and some guy jumped out of the bushes and scared me and Ryder, I got so mad. I couldn't believe the audacity. How dare you scare a baby?" --Kate Hudson

"It's the adrenaline flowing and that desperate need to get a photograph." --Mark Saunders (ex-paparazzo)

"I'm perfectly willing to take my hits if I'm caught doing something stupid. The problem is that some of these guys aren't professional videographers; they're a bunch of kids with videocams who try and force you into a confrontation. They'll push and yell volatile things like, 'Hey George, who's the fat chick?' or if I'm walking with a guy, they ask, 'Is that your gay lover?' And as soon as you say, 'Why, you son of a bitch!' they sell it." --George Clooney

"Celebrities don't like all the moves of the media; they'd rather have privacy on their terms." --Todd Gitlin (a media sociologist at NYU)

"It's getting ugly out there." --Deputy District Attorney William Hodgamn, who is heading the investigation of Lindsay Lohan's accident because of a paparazzo.

"They're almost like a pack of wolves. Eight guys out there to get one picture." --Arnold Cousart (president of JFX Direct, a photographing company)

"The word 'paparazzi' can be taken as synonymous with scum-sucking, criminally inclined, mercenary, manipulative photogs, aimed and dangerous with their motor-driven Nikons." --Susan Walker (journalist at the Toronto Star)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Subtopic 4- Laws

My final subtopic are the laws in California and the push for legal action against the paparazzi. After Diana's death, hatred towards the paparazzi grew. France and Italy passed laws. California passed laws, and the United States Congress started to draft laws.
In France and Italy all paparazzi became illegal. There are extreme penalties against any photographers. In California the law prohibits photographers from trespassing onto private property, from using high-tech devices, and from "persistently following or chasing" someone. Paparrazo can be fined or jailed based on the extent of breaking this law. This law will keep the press under control. Recently, Schwarzennegar added that if a photographer causes a car crash he or she will be fined or put in jail. Laws were also added that stated that if the image is for commerce purposes, the photographer can be fined. if the person being photographed has a reason to be afraid, the photographer can also be in trouble. After Diana's death many government officials wanted to create a zone around a celebrity that the paparazzi couldn't cross. The US Congress is also trying to pass a similar law against harassment.

Subtopic 3- Princess Diana's Death

Throughout her life Princess Di was a target of the paparazzi. The photographers, journalists, and the public loved her. In return, she gave respect to the paparazzi who deserved it. When she was dating Dodi Al-Fayed and the paparazzi became obsessed with her. In 1997 in Paris Diana and Dodi were leaving the Ritz Hotel when a group of paparazzi on motorcycles began to chase her. Her driver entered a tunnel at around 100 mph. Suddenly, Diana's car crashed into the wall, killing her, the driver, and Dodi. This created a worldwide backlash against the paparazzi.
People around the world urged laws against the paparazzi. The possibility that her death could have been a result of photographers turned many celebrities and magazines against them. Her brother and Dodi's father both blame the paparazzi for the crash. American celebrities started to speak out against the paparazzi, for example, Elizabeth Taylor called the 7 photographers murderers. These 7 photographers were taken into custody.
The most disgusting part about this situation is that one specific photographer took a picture of Princess Diana laying dead in her Mercedes. Harry and William were furious and the world was disgusted. How could someone just stand there and not help her if she was dying? How could someone be so terrible as to take a picture of Diana dead and sell it for money? That right there is the reason why the paparazzi should never be allowed to harm anyone.

Subtopic 2- Extreme Tactics Which Lead to Danger

My second subtopic about the paparazzi is the extreme tactics they use and how those tactics can harm others, including the celebs and their families. Photographers cause a heightened level of danger for many people.
There have been many examples where paparazzi have violated the law. They have crashed into cars just to get a picture of someone famous. They have posed as impostors just to get a picture. They have assaulted children or others just to get a picture. They also use such extreme tactics such as boats and helicopters and telephoto lenses. They can climb roofs and scale buildings. They really create a problem for the people around them.
The paparazzi also are harmful to celebrities families, especially their children. They always try to get pictures of the new babies. Many female celebs say the worst part about the paparazzi is their obsession with their children. One photographer even followed Reese Witherspoon's daughter and made her cry. The child didn't choose to be the offspring of a celeb, why try and ruin their lives too? It just doesn't seem fair at all.

Subtopic 1- Privacy and Respect

For my first and strongest argument I am using the factor of privacy and respect in a celebrity's life. Celebrities are not given the proper amount of privacy or respect. The paparazzi constantly invade the personal privacy of others. They disrespect celebrities by being intrusive and obsessive. Many celebrities have spoken out against the paparazzi in a hope to get the privacy they deserve as human beings. There have been many cases where the paparazzi takes things too far.
Confrontations between paparazzi and the stars has truly escalated. As a photographer, their job is to be intrusive. Some photographers wait outside of hotels, homes, or restaurants just to get one shot of a famous person. They constantly stalk and harass celebrities. The personal lives of celebrities becomes a sport that photographers fight over. All people have the rights to secrets and persona space, why don't the paparazzi get any? They prevent celebrities from leading private lives.
Another big problem with the paparazzi is the respect that they don't give the celebrities they try to get a picture of. Photographers constantly pester and bother the celebs. Famous actors such as Alec Baldwin, Will Smith and Robert DeNiro have gone through situations where they have physically retaliated against the paparazzi.
New technology has been used to become more intrusive, such as video cameras. These allow tabloid TV shows to air the private lives of celebrities all over the nation through the television.
Celebrities are not given the respect and provacy that they deserve. Why not? Don't they deserve it just like everyone else? Just because you're famous doesn't mean you're different.